Wednesday, July 28, 2010

CCO Spotlight: Elliott Simko!

Check it out - Elliott is in the CCO Spotlight this month on the website:

Just wanted to share!


Monday, July 12, 2010

Living in community

Hello friends and supporters,

I'm writing to you from my apartment-style dorm room on the campus of Robert Morris University, just outside Pittsburgh. The mouth-watering aroma of simmering vegetables and chicken wafting from our crockpot has been filling the walls of our room for the past 8 hours. Mason Stumpf, the 10-year-old son of one of the new staff just stopped by to see where the smell was coming from. Before him three different people came knocking at our door almost exactly 5 minutes apart. Before that I was in a meeting with four other trainers trying to plan an intricate event just a couple days away. All this is to say Rachel and I are in one of the most unique and trying forms of training ever conceived of by human beings. All our time is tapped with learning, reading, applying our learning, and rediscovering what it means to love and be loved in the context of community.

It's an important lesson to learn (and re-learn) as a campus minister. Our students will be living under similar conditions almost the entire time they are in college...with the exception of the 10-year-old kids stopping by...and oh yeah, I got to pick my roommate, and we are best friends...the coolness of that never wears off :)

In a few minutes seven new staff will come through my dorm room door to chow down the stewing crockpot meal. It seems our periods of rest here are mostly filled with preparation for whatever is coming next. But, it only goes on like this for another two weeks. On July 23rd Rachel and I get to return to the comfort of our third-story apartment town-home in Philly--a luxury the typical college student will not have.

I'm realizing more and more through this time at RMU the constant pressure students feel as a result of living in community. You must be wondering to yourself, "wait a minute, wasn't Elliott in college just two years ago?" Yes, I was. There's a certain wisdom that is gained when you get to stand on the outside of an experience. When I was inside the college community I felt a pressure and stress, but couldn't fully comprehend it's origin or affects. Looking back, I realize now that community is both a beautiful thing...and a very intense thing.

Community has a way of both creating support and unity (when done correctly) and also a way of amplifying our brokenness. After all, anyone who is married knows that the longer you are with a person the more their hidden brokenness comes to light. I don't think that bringing brokenness to light is a bad thing, but I do realize now that it's helpful to have people around you who are attentive to the angst and internal struggles often caused by living in community who can help you process through these things. I'm really looking forward to being that attentive person for some of my college students in the fall.

A quick happy note: I just found out a student I ministered to in High School, Hannah McLean, will be coming to Eastern University in the fall. I'm looking forward to reconnecting with her , and hearing how Jesus has been working in her life since the last time we talked. Pray that the Lord will provide Hannah with discipleship opportunities at Eastern, and that she matures in her faith when she gets there in the fall.

Thanks for all your prayers and support.

In Him,

Support-Raising Mondays!

It's "Support-Raising Monday!" Please keep us in prayer throughout the day for the following matters:

-that the Lord would provide full support by the end of August
This request is really important to us. Many missionaries and friends/families of missionaries think that 80% of support is "enough to get by on," and that 100% of support is impossible. This shortchanges the power and call of the Lord. We know we have been called to this ministry by the Lord; He has directed our every step to this place. There is no reason we should not reach 100% of support. However, it is our job and part of our calling to invite people into the ministry. We have to keep working to spread the good news of the gospel working in college students' lives. We cannot cease our efforts, and we cannot wait to see how miraculously the Lord will provide!

Also, we would like to reach full support so that we may spend more of our support-raising time on current donors. We have promised them a partnership, and we long to fulfill that partnership by calling, visiting, and praying more consistently. The sooner we reach full support, the sooner we can strengthen those already a part of this mission.

-appointments for our SR trip in August
We have a support-raising trip schedule for August 2-7. We currently have no appointments and people have been difficult to reach. This has been discouraging. Pray that we receive word from the Lord today on how best to utilize that time and our time now in preparation for it. Pray that we receive appointments or find a better way to use that time. If you know of anyone who would be willing to have a conversation with us about our ministry, please e-mail us -

-continued grace to rely solely on the Lord
It can be easy to get discouraged, frustrated, and confused when support-raising. We try to rely solely on the Lord, but sometimes we rely too much on our own efforts. Pray that grace abounds--that God would renew us and encourage us today and this week. Pray that we absolutely trust in the Lord for our support.

Every Monday we are faced with a multitude of choices: Whom should we call? Should we write thank you cards? Should we send out our next newsletter? Whom should Elliott call and whom should Rachel call? What should we do with this time? How does God want us to use it? Pray that we use our time wisely and lean on God's direction.

Thank you for your prayers, friends! We are so grateful to be a part of this work and praise the Lord that you have joined us!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Leading Bible study at The Well

Every Tuesday, the entire CCO New Staff makes the trek over to Orchard Hill Church to lead Bible studies at The Well. This event is a four-week Bible study lead by CCO staff on the book of James. It's really exciting to be a part of this event because although we a learning a TON here at New Staff Training, it's much better to put what we're learning into practice.

In the past, I think The Well was a lot larger, and numbers have been dwindling slightly throughout the years. Although this could be discouraging, I think we can see the opportunity in it. We have the fantastic chance to connect one-on-one with the students that are coming. For instance, Zeke and I (Rachel) are leading a Bible study together, and we only had two students the first night. The students were incredibly engaged and thoughtful, and really added to our understanding of James and how it effects college students. Afterwards, I sent them an e-mail asking how we could pray for them throughout the week. One student, I'll call him "Derek," asked for specific prayer. This week, Derek told me in detail how God had answered his prayer! I told him to keep sending us prayer requests--even beyond the summer--and to tell us how and when God answers. It's absolutely beautiful to see God working in these lives, and it's a blessing to be even a small part of it.

All that being said, please keep The Well in your prayers. Pray that more students come out, that we prepare solid Bible studies that help students see Jesus, and that each staff member connects in depth with at least one student.

Thanks, friends! I don't have pictures yet of this event, so I'll share with you a shot of a bunch of us staffers going up the incline in Pittsburgh.