Saturday, August 28, 2010

Viewing the World Biblically

The CCO sees a transformed student as one who loves Jesus intimately, views the world Biblically, lives obediently, joins Christ in the restoration of creation, and invites other to do likewise.

How does one view the world Biblically if one does not even know how to read the Bible?

The following is a quote from this poignant Christianity Today article:

"Even weekly churchgoers who know the names and places struggle to put it all together and understand the Bible as a single story of redemption."
-Collin Hansen, emphasis mine

One of our focuses in discipling students is helping them see that the Bible is not a mere collection of stories, but an overarching story of the world -- one in which they are still taking an active part. Through inductive Bible study and related books, we want to help them see the Bible in a greater context so that they may read and understand it themselves.

"Disciples of Christ do not merely pursue Bible knowledge for its own sake... It changes the way they live, but not by merely offering them tips for parenting or financial freedom. Rather, the Bible gets them in touch with the Holy Spirit, who conforms them to Christ's image."
-Chris Hansen, emphasis mine

For more insight, please click the link above for the article, or go here for a previous post on my other blog.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

So It Begins

Yes, we are still here.

Well, the school year has begun, and we're feeling it! The past two weeks have challenged us to use (or find) our multitasking skills, and each day has been an event of schedule-juggling and meeting-hopping. Let's give you the highlights:

Move-in Days: Elliott and I spent last Thursday moving in Cabrini College freshman, and the better part of Saturday moving in Eastern University freshman. We felt that we had the opportunity to really connect with some of the Eastern students. Please pray that those connections won't be lost, and that we'll be able to form relationships with those we met!

Haiti Reverse: There's been so much planning and so many meetings surrounding this trip, but we still have a loooong way to go. We met with the President and some faculty at Cabrini College and have yet to hear back if they're on board with the project. The Haitian churches in North Philly have been really responsive to the project, and we were able to invite them into the trip this past Sunday at one of their youth worship services. Please pray that the details to make this trip happen will fall into place, and that we will have at least 8 students from Eastern/Cabrini and the Haitian-American community on the trip.

Manoa Life: Manoa Life is the young adult program at Manoa Presbyterian Church, headed by Elliott. We met with some people to talk about the past two years, and challenged ourselves on how to go deeper with the Lord in the coming year. We had a lot of feedback about changing the Sunday night service by introducing more testimonies, dance, art, and drama (among other things). Please pray for the desire of the young adults to see the Lord transform their lives through this program will be fruitful, and that the Sunday night service would honor Him and draw others closer to Him.

Meeting Students: At the beginning of the year, we like to meet with as many students as possible. Although everyone's schedule is still up in the air, Elliott and I have both been successful in meeting with and praying with students and young adults. Please keep the following people in your prayers: Brandi, Amy, Hannah, Zack, Jocelyn, Jeff, Jim, Jonathan, Kristin, Maggie, Ben, Megan, Jess, Ben, Mike. Pray that Elliott and I would be able to discern whom to really pour into for the next year.

Norristown Community House: Peter and Becky Bowersox, fellow coworkers of ours at the CCO, have pioneered an intentional community in Norristown for students. We were honored to be asked to come in and lead team-building games/exercises before their Open House Party. We connected with so many amazing people at the party, and were so thankful that God has brought such people into our lives. Praise the Lord for the conversations and relationships formed through this community!

So that's just a brief look at the last two weeks for the Simkos!

in Him -

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Jesus Changes People's Lives

"Jesus Changes People's Lives" is CCO Core Value #2.
It's important to remember daily because it's why we're here in the first place. Jesus changed our lives, and now has called each of us to serve.
It's important to remember daily because it's not the program or Bible study or church service or Elliott or Rachel that changes people's lives -- it's Jesus.

We're just available for whatever way He wants to use us.

During New Staff Training this summer, we were asked to share so many testimonies -- the larger ones ("How did you come to know the Lord?"), as well as the small ones ("How has God worked in your life this past week?"). We were all so eager to share, and hear. Who doesn't want to hear about the mighty work of God? But what was striking was how thirsty we were to hear -- because, quite honestly, we don't talk about the daily work of our Father nearly as much as we should.

We should talk about the Lord every day, because every day He is doing mighty things in our lives. Our excitement and awe should bubble over and salt our every day conversation.

So why doesn't it?

Elliott and I, along with a number of young adults, have been asking this question. Why don't we talk more about the Jesus who changed our lives? Why aren't we always sharing testimony after testimony? Instead of just asking those questions, we decided to do something about it.

Last night, we joined two other young adults from the Manoa Life Project (the young adult program at Manoa Presbyterian Church - Elliott's CCO partnership) for a night of worship and testimonies. We offered ourselves to the Holy Spirit, and before we knew it, an hour of prayer and worship had flown by. Two people shared their testimonies. We praised the Lord for the ways He has saved, and also prayed over the individuals -- that God would continue to release them from old-formed habits. It was powerful and moving, albeit very simple.

Young adults and college students are thirsty for transformation. And sometimes, ministries can get caught up in flashiness and show -- believing that they need over-the-top-compelling programs to transform and bring people to Christ.

But all it takes is the simple (awesome) account of Jesus changing your life.

Please share your testimonies.
Please ask others to share their testimonies.
Talk about Jesus.
And pray for true transformation to come onto Eastern and Cabrini's campuses.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What's in Store? - Haiti Reverse Mission Trip

Hello friends,

Since it's the summer, it would seem that we don't have a lot to update in terms of student encounters, but we wanted to give you a taste of what we're currently working on in preparation for this year. If you received our most recent newsletter, you might have read about our plans briefly.

So let's start with our biggest project this year: it's a transformational experience, and we call it the...
Haiti Reverse Mission Trip

What: Haiti Reverse Mission Trip

  • REVERSE mission trip
    • We receive and learn more than we provide
    • We affirm culture rather than foster dependency
    • We work alongside rather than “work for”
    • We travel a short distance rather than a long distance
      • Going to Philly, NOT Haiti
    • We encourage long-term deep relationships
    • We empower and encourage Haitian natives to help their own nation, as they are more equipped then we will ever be
  • Fundraiser
    • Cost of traveling to Haiti, avg. $2000 per person
    • Avg. annual Haitian income = $500
    • We will ask participants to raise $1800 in order to attend
    • Benefit Gala will raise money
    • Money raised will be given to
      • Haiti Relief
      • Long-term sustainable missions
  • Ethnographic Study
    • CCTI’s Justin Poole will be assisting in the interviewing of many of the people involved in order to create a play that will be produced in Philly

When: Friday Dec 31st—Sunday Jan 9th

Where: In Haitian-American houses, churches, and communities in North Philly

Who is already involved:

How you can help:

  • For our friends and supporters reading this blog, please keep this trip in your prayers. Pray that the Lord provides at least one other person to step up and help us plan. We have a lot to do in a short amount of time. And yet, we've received confirmation from the Lord and fellow believers "not to be discouraged" in these efforts, but to keep going.
  • Please keep the prayer as a whole in your trip - the students going, the leaders going, the churches involved, the connections and relationships established, the money raised, and that above all, we would remain in the center of God's will.